Workshop | Machine-learning approaches to electrophysiological data

Workshop | Machine-learning approaches to electrophysiological data

Dr Inês Bramão (Department of Psychology, Lund Memory Lab, Lund University, Sweden) will give a workshop on Machine-learning approaches to elecrophysiological data on 9 February at Faculdade de Psicologia.

Recent advances on machine-learning approaches to the analysis of multivariate brain data have demonstrated that mental states, dictated by the external world or by thoughts, can be successfully decoded from patterns of brain activity. In this workshop, I will show how multivariate pattern analyses (MVPA) can be applied to electrophysiological data to reveal the time course of cognitive processing.

This event is addressed for scientists and PhD students who are already engaged in neuroimaging/electrophysiological work or are planning to do so in the short-medium term.

To apply, please send an email to Susana Araújo ( until February 6.