Vision & Mission

The MeL research team is committed to promoting cutting-edge research in psychology in an inclusive and collaborative way to subserve the needs of society.

As a group, we strive to: promote networking and exchange of ideas, both within our group and across disciplines; provide an example of socially and environmentally responsible behaviour; encourage interaction with the public sector and private organizations; bridge the gap between research and practice, engaging with society, hospitals, schools and the general public; provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to become productive researchers; promote the ethical principles of our organization.


The MeL research group aligns to the values of ULisboa. We believe in the principles of:

  • Inclusion and democratic participation
  • Development and innovation for the benefit of society
  • Social and environmental responsibility
  • Intellectual freedom and respect for ethics
  • Multidisciplinarity and a wide range of scientifically-based perspectives

We subscribe to the words of Morais (2021, p.2,

“(…) science must be opened to all, those who do science and those who do not. Science is incompatible with the inequality of rights. Science is not for an aristocracy of knowledge nor for a meritocracy: it is for a real democracy, demo meaning people and people meaning everybody.”