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ABC Project | Evidence based reading and writing teaching

The ABC Project (Alfabetização Baseada na Ciência) results from an international cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Education of Brazil, the University of Porto, the Instituto Politécnico do Porto and the Open University of Portugal. The project includes an online course of 180 hours developed for self-instruction of school teachers, having reached ~200 000 teachers in Brazil. Videos, reading materials and study tasks are available, designed according to the principles of gamification and open resources. More than 30 experts from renowned institutions in Portugal, the United States, Germany and Brazil collaborated to prepare the materials for this course.

In 2021, Susana Araújo participated in the module “Difficulty and Disorders of Learning to Read and Write”. This collaboration will continue in 2022, now also in person, where a group of teachers will come from Brazil to attend the course that will take place at the University of Porto.

Given the success of the course, the Portuguese version of the ABC Manual has now been published by Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, specifically by its Think Tank for Education, Edulog, in partnership with the National Reading Plan and its platform LER, aimed at Portuguese teachers and educators.


Workshop in Neurodegeneration organized by RedeSAÚDE ULisboa

Giorgia D’Innocenzo and María J. Maraver participated in the workshop Doenças Neurodegenerativas organized by RedeSAÚDE from the University of Lisbon, celebrated on the 14th of January 2022. Giorgia presentation starts in minute 1:37:00 and is entitled “Preserved semantic memory in Alzheimer disease: an eye-tracking study”. The presentation of María J. Maraver is entitled “Deficits in inhibitory control of memory with age” and starts in minute 1:49:30.

Outreach action: on why does handwriting training benefit learning to read

Tânia Fernandes has recently participated in Nota 20 podcast directed to the general public.
In this interview, she talked about the most recent projects (funded by FCT) on why does handwriting training benefit learning to read.
To hear what our research has to say about why handwriting training facilitates more learning to read than other learning experiences (in Portuguese).

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