Emma Delhaye

Postdoctoral researcher

I am a Belgian researcher, and I am currently working in the Memory and Language team at ULisboa as a postdoctoral fellow on the project ‘LOSTME – In Search of Lost Memory: Experimental Evidences and Computational Models of Visual Memory in Healthy and Neuro-Degenerate Ageing’, funded by the Regional Operational Program Lisboa 2020 and FEDER and national funds, alongside Dr Moreno Coco and Dr Ana Raposo.

My research interest is about recognition in episodic memory, its neural correlates, and the relation between episodic memory, semantic memory and perception. I got my PhD from the University of Liège, in Belgium, where I worked under the supervision of Dr Christine Bastin on unitization in episodic memory, in healthy and pathological aging. In my free time, I like going in the nature, doing yoga, or studying philosophy.
