Ana Raposo

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I am an Assistant Professor of Psychology at ULisboa. I received my PhD from the University of Cambridge where I studied the organisation of semantic memory. I then joined Duke University as a postdoc to investigate the neural correlates of episodic memory.

I am interested in the neurocognitive bases of human memory and have approached this topic from several angles. By combining behavioural and fMRI methods I have focused on how people’s knowledge about concepts is functionally organized, neurologically implemented, and how it flexibly interacts with the task at hand. In parallel, I am working on understanding how our memories of past events are edited and reconfigured as a result of knowledge. To this end, I have examined the nature of the semantic operations that support episodic memory and which encoding and retrieval processes benefit from semantics.

I collaborate with fantastic researchers in the lab and abroad, including Moreno Coco at UEL, Andrea Santi at UCL and Mohamed Bahri at ULiege. Aside from research, I love yoga, reading haikus, and being outside in the sun.