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Faísca, L., Reis, A. & Araújo, S. (2025). Temporal unfolding of spelling-to-sound mappings in visual (pseudo)word recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 37(5), 1-14.
Andrade, M. Â., Raposo, A. & Andrade, A. (2024). Exploring the late maturation of an intrinsic episodic memory network: a resting-state fMRI study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 70:101453.
Delhaye, E., D’Innocenzo, G., Raposo, A. & Coco, M. I. (2024). The upside of cumulative conceptual interference on exemplar-level mnemonic discrimination. Memory & Cognition.
Ventura, P., Pascual, M., Cruz, F. & Araujo, S. (2024). From Perugino to Picasso revisited: electrophysiological responses to faces in paintings in different art styles. Neuropsychologia, 193, 108742.
Alves, M., Figueiredo, P. & Raposo, A. (2023). Semantic cognition in healthy ageing: Neural signatures of representation and control mechanisms in naming typical and atypical objects. Neuropsychologia, 184:108545.
Andrade, M. Â., Cipriano, M. & Raposo, A. (2023). ObScene database: Semantic congruency norms for 898 pairs of object-scene pictures. Behavior Research Methods.
Araújo, S., Narang, V., Misra, D., Lohagun, N., Khan, O., Singh, A., Mishra, R. K., Hervais-Adelman, A., & Huettig, F. (2023). A literacy-related color-specific deficit in rapid automatized naming: Evidence from neurotypical completely illiterate and literate adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Delhaye, E., Coco, M. I., Bahri, M. A. & Raposo, A. (2023). Typicality in the brain during semantic and episodic memory decisions. Neuropsychologia, 184:108529.
Faísca, L., Reis A. & Araújo, S. (2023). Cognitive subtyping of university students with dyslexia in a semi-transparent orthography: what can weaknesses and strengths tell us about compensation? Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science.
Fernandes, T., Velasco, S. & Leite, I. (2023). Letters away from the looking glass: Developmental trajectory of mirrored and rotated letter processing within words. Developmental Science, e13447.
Frade, S., Santi, A. & Raposo, A. (2023). Filling the gap: Cloze probability and sentence constraint norms for 807 European Portuguese sentences. Behavior Research Methods.
Ribeiro, A., Marques, M., Roberto, M. S. & Raposo, A. (2023). Memory footprint: Predictors of flashbulb and event memories of the 2016 Euro Cup final. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1116747.
Ventura, P., Pereira, A., Cruz, F., Delgado, J., Faustino, B., & Guerreiro, J. C. (2023). Change detection versus change localization for faces, houses, and words. Perception.
Ventura, P., Liu, T. T., Cruz, F., Pereira, A., Domingues, M., Guerreiro, J. C., & Delgado, J. (2023). From Perugino to Picasso: holistic processing of faces in paintings. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Araújo, S., Domingues, M. & Fernandes, T. (2022). From hand to eye: a meta-analysis of the benefit from handwriting training in visual graph recognition. Educational Psychology Review.
D’Innocenzo, G., Della Sala, S., & Coco, M. I. (2022). Similar mechanisms of temporary bindings for identity and location of objects in healthy ageing: an eye-tracking study with naturalistic scenes. Scientific Reports, 12:11163. 10.1038/s41598-022-13559-6
Fernandes, T., Xavier, E., Domingues, M., & Araújo, S. (2022). Where is mirror invariance? Masked priming effects by mirrored and rotated transformations of reversible and nonreversible letters. Journal of Memory and Language, 127, 104375.
Frade, S., Pinheiro, A. P., Santi, A. & Raposo, A. (2022). Is second best good enough? An EEG study on the effects of word expectancy in sentence comprehension. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 37, 209-223.
Maraver, M. J., Lapa, A., Garcia-Marques, L., Carneiro, P. & Raposo, A. (2022). Can we learn from errors? Retrieval facilitates the correction of false memories for pragmatic inferences. PLoS ONE, 17:e272427.
Ventura, P., Banha, A., & Cruz, F. (2022). Partial overlap between holistic processing of words and Gestalt line stimuli at an early perceptual stage. Memory & Cognition.
Ventura, P., Guerreiro, J. C., Pereira, A., Delgado, J., Rosário, V., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Domingues, M., Cruz, F., Faustino, B., & Wong, A. (2022). Change detection vs. change localization for own-race and other-race faces. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 627-637.
Ventura, P., Liu, T. T., Cruz, F., & Pereira, A. (2022). The mechanims supporting holistic perception of words and faces are not independent. Memory & Cognition.
Ventura, P., Ngan, V., Pereira, A., Cruz, F., Guerreiro, J. C., Rosário, V., Delgado, J., Faustino, B., Barros, M., Domingues, M. & Wong, A. (2022). The relation between holistic processing as measured by three composite tasks and face processing: A latent variable modeling approach. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 2319-2334.
Ventura, P., Tse, H., Guerreiro, J. C., Delgado, J., Ferreira, M. F., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Faustino, B., Banha, A., & Wong, A. (2022). The relationships between reading fluency and different measures of holistic word processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 1734-1756.
Aguilar, M., Ferré, P., Gavilán, J.M., Hinojosa, J.A., & Demestre, J. (2021). The actress was on the balcony, after all: eye-tracking locality and PR-first effects in Spanish. Cognition, 211, 104624.
Aguilar, M., & Grillo, N. (2021). Spanish is not different: On the universality of minimal structure and locality principles. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1). https://www.glossa-
Alves, M., Figueiredo, P., Roberto, M. S. & Raposo, A. (2021). Using concept typicality to explore semantic representation and control in healthy ageing. Cognitive Processing, 22, 539-552. doi: 10.1007/s10339-021-01024-7
Andrade, M. Â. & Raposo, A. (2021). Underdeveloped recollection during adolescence: Semantic elaboration and inhibition as underlying mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 203:105044. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.105044
Cimminella, F., D’Innocenzo, G., Sala, S. Della, Iavarone, A., Musella, C., & Coco, M. I. (2021). Preserved Extra-Foveal Processing of Object Semantics in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 35, 418-433.
Delgado, J., Raposo, A. & Santos, A. L. (2021). Assessing intervention effects in sentence processing: object relatives vs. subject control. Frontiers in Psychology 12:610909.
Delhaye, E., & Bastin, C. (2021). Semantic and perceptual encoding lead to decreased fine mnemonic discrimination following multiple presentations. Memory. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2020.1849309
Fernandes, T., & Araújo, S. (2021). From Hand to Eye With the Devil In-Between: Which Cognitive Mechanisms Underpin the Benefit From Handwriting Training When Learning Visual Graphs? Frontiers in Psychology, 12(4984). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.736507
Fernandes, T., Arunkumar, M., & Huettig, F. (2021). The role of the written script in shaping mirror-image discrimination: Evidence from illiterate, Tamil literate, and Tamil-Latin-alphabet bi-literate adults. Cognition, 206, 104493. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104493
Maraver, M. J. , Lapa, A., Garcia-Marques, L., Carneiro, P. & Raposo, A. (2021). Imagination Reduces False Memories for Everyday Action Sentences: Evidence From Pragmatic Inferences. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:668899. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.668899.
Mendonça, A., Cardoso, S., Maroco, J., Guerreiro, M., & Carmo, J. C. (2021). The update of semantic memories in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Neuropsychology.
Mikhailova, A., Raposo, A., Della Sala, S. & Coco, M. I. (2021). Eye-movements reveal semantic interference effects during the encoding of naturalistic scenes in long-term memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. doi: 10.3758/s13423-021-01920-1
Paulo Ventura. (2021). Review of: “Holistic processing only? The role of the right fusiform face area in radiological expertise”. Qeios doi:10.32388/MA491F
Vágvölgyi, R., Bergström, K., Bulajić, A., Klatte, M., Fernandes, T., Grosche, M., . . . Lachmann, T. (2021). Functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia: looking for common roots. A systematic review. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. doi:10.1007/s41809-021-00074-9
Ventura, P., Bulajić, A., Wong, A. C., Leite, I., Hermens, F., Pereira, A., & Lachmann, T. (2021). Face and word composite effects are similarly affected by priming of local and global processing. Attention, perception & psychophysics.
Ventura, P., Guerreiro, J. C., Domingues, M., Farinha-Fernandes, A., & Leite, I. (2021). Children process faces holistically with the same efficiency as adults. Acta Psychologica, 217, 103309.
Araújo, S., Huettig, F., Meyer, A. (2020). What underlies the deficit in rapid automatized naming (RAN) in adults with dyslexia? Evidence from eye movements. Scientific Studies of Reading.
Carmo, J. C., Martins, F., Pinho, S., Barahona-Correa, B., Ventura, P., & Filipe, C. N. (2020). We see the orange not the lemon: Typicality effects in ultra-rapid categorization in adults with and without spectrum disorder. Journal of Neuropsychology, 14, 154-164.
Bastin, C.*, Bahri, M. A. *, Meyer, F., Manard, M., Delhaye, E., Plenevaux, A., Becker, G., Seret, A., Mella, C., Giacomelli, F., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., & Salmon, E. (2020). In vivo imaging of synaptic loss in Alzheimer’s disease: A PET study with [18F]-UCB-H. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 47(2), 390-402. * Equal contribution
Carneiro, P., Lapa, A., Reis, J., & Ramos, T. (2020). Testing pragmatic inferences: The impact of language and culture. Psicológica, 41(1), 1-20.
Delgado, J., Pereira, R., Ferreira, M. F., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Guerreiro, J. C., Faustino, B., Domingues, M., & Ventura, P. (2020). Sound symbolism is modulated by linguistic experience. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (7), 137-150.
D’Innocenzo, G., Nowicky, A. V., & Bishop, D. T. (2020). Dynamic task observation: A gaze-mediated complement to traditional action observation treatment?. Behavioural brain research, 379, 112351.
Folville, A., Delhaye, E., Salmon, E., D’Argembeau, A.*, & Bastin, C.*. (2020). The effect of age on the neural correlates of vivid memories. NeuroImage. * Equal contribution
Maraver, M.J., Gómez-Ariza, C.J., Borella, E., & Bajo, M.T. (2020). Baseline capacities and motivation in executive control training of healthy older adults. Aging & Mental Health.
Maraver, M.J., Steenbergen, L., Hossein, R., Actis-Grosso, R., Ricciardelli, P., Hommel, B., & Colzato, L.S. (2020). Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation enhances the ability to decode salient social cues. Neuropsychologia, 143, 107465.
Nunez, F., Maraver, M.J., & Colzato, L.S. (2020). Sex hormones as cognitive enhancers? Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.
Reis, A., Araújo, S., Morais, I.S., & Faísca, L. (2020). Reading and reading-related skills in adults with dyslexia from different orthographic systems: a review and meta-analysis. Annals of Dyslexia, 70, 339-368.
Rifkin, B.D., Maraver, M.J., & Colzato, L.S. (2020). Microdosing psychedelics as cognitive and emotional enhancers. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.
Souza, C., Garrido, M. V., & Carmo, J. C. (2020). A Systematic Review of Normative Studies Using Images of Common Objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 73314.
Steenbergen, L., Colzato, L.S. & Maraver, M.J. (2020). Vagal signaling and the somatic marker hypothesis: transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation enhances the effect of positive mood state on delay discounting rate. The International Journal of Psychophysiology, 148, 84-92.
Ventura, P. Fernandes, T., Pereira, A., Guerreiro, J. C., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Delgado, J., Ferreira, M. F., Faustino, B., Raposo, I., & Wong, A. C.-N. (2020). Holistic word processing is correlated with efficiency in visual word recognition. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(5), 2739-2750.
Ventura, P., Delgado, J., Guerreiro, J. C., Cruz, F., Rosário, V., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Domingues, M. & Sousa, A. M. (2020). Further evidence for a late locus of holistic word processing: Exploring vertex effect in the word composite task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(7), 3259-3265.
Warren, C.V., Maraver, M.J., de Luca, A., & Kopp, B. (2020). The Effect of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation (taVNS) on P3 Event-Related Potentials during a Bayesian Oddball Task. Brain Sciences, 10(6), 404.
Araújo, S. & Faísca, L. (2019). A meta-analytic review of naming-speed deficits in developmental dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2019.1572758
Araújo, S., Fernandes, T., & Huettig, F. (2019). Learning to read facilitates the retrieval of phonological representations in rapid automatized naming. Developmental Science. 22(4), e12783. doi:10.1111/desc.12783
Bastin, C., Besson, G., Simon, J., Delhaye, E., Geurten, M., Willems, S., & Salmon, E. (2019). An Integrative Memory Model (IMeMo). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, doi:10.1017/S0140525X19000621
Delhaye, E., Bahri, M. A., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2019). Impaired perceptual integration and memory for unitized representations are associated with perirhinal cortex atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 73, 135-144. doi: /10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2018.09.021
Delhaye, E.*, Bastin, C.*, Moulin, C.*, & Barbeau, E*. (2019). Novelty processing and memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease: a review. Biobehavioral and Neuroscience Reviews, 100, 237-249. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.02.021. * Equal contribution
Delhaye, E., Folville, A., & Bastin, C. (2019). The impact of semantic relatedness on associative memory in aging depending on the nature of the semantic relations between the memoranda, Experimental Aging Research, 45(5), 469-479, doi: 10.1080/0361073X.2019.1664442
Delhaye, E., Folville, A., & Bastin, C. (2019). How to induce an age-related benefit of semantic relatedness in associative memory: it’s all in the design. Psychology & Aging 34(4), 572-586. doi: 10.1037/pag0000360
Delhaye, E.*, Folville, A.*, Simoes Loureiro, I., Lefebvre, L., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2019). Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Benefit From Prior-Knowledge in Associative Recognition Memory? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 25(4), 443-452, doi:10.1017/S1355617718001212. * Equal contribution
Delhaye, E., Mechanic-Hamilton, D., Saad, L., Das, S. R., Wisse, L. E. M., Yushkevich, P. A., Wolk, D. A.*, & Bastin, C*. (2019). Associative memory for conceptually unitized word pairs in Mild Cognitive Impairment is related to the volume of the perirhinal cortex. Hippocampus, 29(7), 630-638, doi:1002/hipo.23063. * Equal contribution
Faísca, L., Reis, A., & Araújo, S. (2019). Early brain sensitivity to word frequency and lexicality during reading aloud and implicit reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:830. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.0083
Ferreira, C.S., Maraver, M.J., Hanslmayr, S., & Bajo, M.T. (2019). Theta oscillations show impaired interference detection in the elderly during selective memory retrieval. Scientific Reports 10;9(1):9977. https://doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46214-8
Leite, I., & Fernandes, T. (2019). A Dark Consequence of Developmental Dyslexia: Discrimination of Mirror Images is not Automatized. In E. Witruk & D. S. Utami (Eds.), Traumatic Experiences and Dyslexia (pp. 215-226). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Smalle, E.H.M., Szmalec, A., Bogaerts, L., Page, M.P.A., Narang, V., Misra, D., Araújo, S., (…), Huettig, F. (2019). Literacy improves short-term serial recall of spoken verbal but not visuospatial items – Evidence from illiterate and literate adults. Cognition, 185, 144–150. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.01.012
Ventura, P., Fernandes, T., Leite, I., & Wong, A. C.-N. (2019). Is holistic processing of written words modulated by phonology? Acta Psychologica, 201, 102944 doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2019.102944
Ventura, P., Pereira, A., Xufre, E., Pereira, M., Ribeiro, S., Ferreira, I., Madeira, M., Martins, M. & Domingues, M. (2019). Holistic word context does not influence holistic processing of artificial objects in an interleaved composite task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(6), 1767-1780.
Ventura, P., Domingues, M., Ferreira, I., Madeira, M., Martins, A., Neto, M., & Pereira, M. (2019). Holistic Word Processing Is Involved in Fast Parallel Reading. Journal of Expertise/March, 2(1)
Ventura, P., Leite, I., Ferreira, M., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Delgado, J., Faustino, B., Guerreiro, J., & Raposos, I. (2019). Holistic Face Processing is Penetrable…Depending on the Composite Design. Visual Cognition. 27(2), 171-182. DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2019.1633002
Ventura, P., Delgado, J., Ferreira, M., Farinha-Fernandes, A., Guerreiro, J. C., Faustino, B., Leite, I., & Wong, A. C. (2019). Hemispheric asymmetry in holistic processing of words. Laterality, 24(1), 98–112.
Vieira, A. & Raposo, A. (2019). Recordar um cenário de crime: estudo sobre as aptidões de memória dos investigadores criminais. Investigação Criminal, Ciências Criminais e Forenses (IC3F), 4, 24-40.
Carneiro, P., Lapa, A., & Finn, B. (2018). The effect of unsuccessful retrieval on children’s subsequent learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 166, 400-420.
Daykin, M., Mansfield, L., Julier, G., Tomlinson, A., Meads, C., Payne, A., . . . D’Innocenzo, G.,…Victor, C. (2018). What works for wellbeing? A systematic review of wellbeing outcomes for music and singing in adults. Perspectives in Public Health, 138(1), 39-46. doi:10.1177/1757913917740391
Delhaye, E., & Bastin, C. (2018). The impact of aging on associative memory for pre-existing unitized associations. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 25(1), 70-98. doi: 10.1007/s13760-017-0763-1
Delhaye, E., Tibon, R., Gronau, N., Levy, D., & Bastin, C. (2018). Misrecollection prevents older adults from benefitting from relatedness of the memoranda in associative memory. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 25(5), 634-654. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2017.1358351
Fernandes, T., Coelho, B., Lima, F., & Castro, S. L. (2018). The handle of literacy: Evidence from preliterate children and illiterate adults on orientation discrimination of graspable and non-graspable objects. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 33, 278-292. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1283424
Fonseca, J., Raposo, A. & Martins, I.P. (2018). Cognitive functioning in chronic post-stroke aphasia. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 26, 355-364. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2018.1429442
Grillo, N., Aguilar, M., Roberts, L., Santi, A., & Turco, G. (2018). Prosody of classic garden path sentences: The horse raced faster when embedded. 284-288. Paper presented at the Speech Prosody 2018, Poznan, Poland. Prosody.2018-58
Inácio, F., Faísca, L., Forkstam, C., Araújo, S., Bramão, I., Reis, A., & Petersson, K. M. (2018). Implicit sequence learning is preserved in dyslexic children. Annals of Dyslexia, 68(1), 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s11881-018-0158-x
Maglio, L.E., Noriega-Prieto, J.A., Maraver, M.J., & Fernández de Sevilla, D. (2018). Endocannabinoid-Dependent Long-Term Potentiation of Synaptic Transmission at Rat Barrel Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 1-14.
Raposo, A., Frade, S., Alves, M. & Marques, J.F. (2018). The neural bases of price estimation: effects of size and precision of the estimate. Brain & Cognition, 125, 157-164. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2018.07.005
Ventura, P. (2018). Unveiling my literate glasses. L’Année Psychologique/Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 118, 389-395.
Ventura, P., Carmo, J. C., Souza, C., Martins, F., Leite, I., Pinho, S., Correa, B., & Filipe, C. N. (2018). Holistic processing of faces is intact in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Visual Cognition, 26(1), 13-24.
Ventura, P., Leite, I., & Fernandes, T. (2018). The development of holistic face processing: An evaluation with the complete design of the composite task. Acta Psychologica, 191, 32-41. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.08.015
Ventura, P., Livingston, L. A., & Shah, P. (2018). Adults have moderate-to-good insight into their face recognition ability: Further validation of the 20-item Prosopagnosia Index in a Portuguese sample. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (12), 2677- 2018 Dec;71(12):2677-2679. doi: 10.1177/1747021818765652
Bishop, D. T., Addington, N., & D’Innocenzo, G. (2017). Using visual guidance to retrain an experienced golfer’s gaze: A case study. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(2), 160. doi:10.1080/17461391.2016.1216169
Carmo, J. C., Souza, C., Gonçalves, F., Pinho, S., Filipe, C. & Lachmann, T. (2017). Effects of categorical representation on visuo-spatial working memory in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39(2), 131-141.
Carmo, J. C., Duarte, E., Pinho, S. Filipe, C & Marques, J. F. (2017). The content boundaries of natural categories in high-functioning young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Psique.
Carmo, J. C., Duarte, E., Souza, C., Pinho, S., & Filipe, C. N. (2017). Brief: Testing the impairment of initiation processes hypothesis in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, 47(4), 1256-1260.
Carmo, J. C., Gonçalves, F., Souza, C., Pinho, S., Filipe, C. & Rumiati, R. I. (2017). Over-imitation in autism spectrum disorder: causally transparent and opaque actions. Cultural Cognitive Science, 1 (2), 77-87.
Carneiro, P., Garcia-Marques, L., Lapa, A., & Fernandez, A. (2017). Explaining the persistence of false memories: A proposal based on associative activation and thematic extraction. Memory, 25, 986-998.
Coco, M. I., Araújo, S., & Petersson, K. M. (2017). Disentangling stimulus plausibility and contextual congruency: Electrophysiological evidence for differential cognitive dynamics. Neuropsychologia, 96, 150-163. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.12.008
Delhaye E., Bastin C., Moulin, C. J., Besson G., & Barbeau E. J. (2017). Bridging familiarity-based recognition memory and novelty detection: A matter of timing. Visual Cognition, 25(9-10), 949-955. doi: 10.1080/13506285.2017.1362090
Daykin, N., Mansfield, L., Payne, A., Kay, T., Meads, C., D’Innocenzo, G., . . . Victor, C. (2017). What works for wellbeing in culture and sport? Report of a DELPHI process to support coproduction and establish principles and parameters of an evidence review. Perspectives in Public Health, 137(5), 281-288. doi:10.1177/1757913916674038.
D’Innocenzo, G., Gonzalez, C.C., Nowicky, A.V., Williams, A.M. & Bishop, D.T. (2017). Motor resonance during action observation is gaze-contingent: A TMS study. Neuropsychologia, 103, 77-86. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.07.017
Fernandes, T., & Leite, I. (2017). Mirrors are hard to break: A critical review and behavioral evidence on mirror-image processing in developmental dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 159, 66-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2017.02.003
Fernandes, T., Araújo, S., Sucena, A., Reis, A., & Castro, S.L. (2017). The 1-min screening test for reading problems in college students: Psychometric properties of the 1-min TIL. Dyslexia, 23(1), 66-87. doi:10.1002/dys.1548
Fonseca, J., Raposo, A. & Martins, I.P. (2017). Cognitive performance and aphasia recovery. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 25, 131-136. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2017.1390904
Maraver, M.J. & Gómez-Ariza, C.J. (2017). ¿Pueden entrenarse las funciones ejecutivas en adultos jóvenes? Ciencia Cognitiva, 11:3, 56-59.
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Ventura, P., Fernandes, T., Leite, I., Almeida, V., Casqueiro, I., & Wong, A. C.-N. (2017). The word composite effect depends on abstract lexical representations but not surface features like case and font. Frontiers in Psychology. 8, 1036. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01036
Araújo, S., Faísca, L., Reis, A., Marques, F. & Petersson, K. M. (2016). Visual naming deficits in dyslexia: An ERP investigation of different processing domains. Neuropsychologia, 91, 61-76. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.07.007
Carmo, J. C., Duarte, E., Pinho, S. Filipe, C., & Marques, J. F. (2016). Preserved proactive interference in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(1), 53-63
D’Innocenzo, G., Gonzalez, C. C., Williams, A. M., & Bishop, D. T. (2016). Looking to learn: the effects of visual guidance on observational learning of the golf swing. PloS one, 11(5), e0155442.
Fernandes, T., & Kolinsky, R. (2016). The impact of learning to read on visual processing. Frontiers in Psychology. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-716-3P. ISBN: 978-2-88919-716-3.
Fernandes, T., Leite, I., & Kolinsky, R. (2016). Into the looking glass: Literacy acquisition and mirror invariance in preschool and first-grade children. Child Development. 87(6), 2008 – 2025. doi:10.1111/cdev.12550
Fonseca, J., Miranda, F., Moura, O., Raposo, A. & Martins, I. P. (2016). Camels and cactus: preliminary Portuguese normative values to a semantic memory test. Sinapse, 16, 5-13.
Maraver, M.J., Gómez-Ariza, C.J. & Bajo, M.T. (2016). Training on Working Memory and Inhibitory Control in Young Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10:588.doi:
Raposo, A., Frade, S. & Alves, M. (2016). Framing memories: how the retrieval query format shapes the neural bases of remembering. Neuropsychologia, 89, 309-319. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.06.036
Silva, S., Faísca, L., Araújo, S., Casaca, L., Carvalho, L., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2016). Too little or too much? Parafoveal preview benefits and parafoveal load costs in adult dyslexics. Annals of Dyslexia, 66(2), 187-201. doi: 10.1007/s11881-015-0113-z
Santi, A., Raposo, A., Frade, S. & Marques, J.F. (2016). Concept typicality responses in the semantic memory network. Neuropsychologia, 93, 167-175. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.10.012
Souza, C., Coco, M. I., Gonçalves, F., Pinho, S., Filipe, C., & Carmo, J. C. (2016). Contextual effects on visual short-term memory in high Functioning Autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 32, 64-69.
Alves, M. & Raposo, A. (2015). Is it a bird? Differential effects of concept typicality on semantic memory and episodic recollection. Revista Portuguesa de Psicologia, 44, 65-69. doi: 10.21631/rpp44_65
Araújo, S., Reis, A., Faísca, L., Bramão, I., & Petersson, K. M. (2015). Lexical and sublexical orthographic processing: An ERP study with skilled and dyslexic adult readers. Brain and Language, 141, 16-27.
Araújo S., Reis, A., Petersson, K. M, & Faísca, L. (2015). Rapid automatized naming and reading performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107 (3), 868-883. Doi: 10.1037/edu0000006
Carmo, J. C., Duarte, E., Pinho, S. Marques, J. F., & Filipe., C. N. (2015). Verbal fluency as function of time in autism spectrum disorder: An initiation processes impairment? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(7), 710-721.
Fernandes, T., & Kolinsky, R. (2015). Editorial: The impact of learning to read on visual processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (Special Topic: The impact of learning to read on visual processing). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00985.
Raposo, A. & Moreira, J. (2015). Editorial – The persistency of memory: essays in honour of J. Frederico Marques. Revista Portuguesa de Psicologia, 44, 3-5. doi: 10.21631/rpp44_3
Santi, A., Raposo, A. & Marques, J.F. (2015). Superordinate and domain category structure: evidence from typicality ratings. Revista Portuguesa de Psicologia, 44, 81-108. doi: 10.21631/rpp44_81
Araújo, S., Faísca, L., Bramão, I., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2014). Lexical and phonological processes in dyslexic readers: Evidence from a visual lexical decision task. Dyslexia, 20, 38-53. doi: 10.1002/dys.1461
Fernandes, T., Vale, A.P., Martins, B., Morais, J., & Kolinsky, R. (2014)28T. The Deficit of Letter Processing in Developmental Dyslexia: Combining evidence from dyslexics, typical readers and illiterate adults. Developmental Science, 17, 125-141. doi: 10.1111/desc.12102.
Kolinsky, R., & Fernandes, T. (2014). A cultural side effect: Learning to read interferes with identity processing of familiar objects. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01224
Pacheco, A., Reis, A., Araújo, S., Inácio, F., Petersson, K. M. & Faísca, L. (2014). Dyslexia’s heterogeneity: Cognitive profiling of Portuguese children with dyslexia. Reading and Writing, 27, 1529-1545. doi: 10.1007/s11145-014-9504-5
Pegado, F., Comerlato, E., Ventura, F., Jobert, A., Nakamura, K., Buiatti, M., Ventura, P., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kolinsky, R., Morais, J., Braga, L., Cohen, L., & Dehaene, S. (2014). Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(49):E5233–E5242
Pegado, F., Nakamura, K., Braga, L. W., Ventura, P., Filho, G. N., Pallier, C., Jobert, A., Morais, J., Cohen, L., Kolinky, R., & Dehaene, S. (2014). Literacy breaks mirror invariance for visual stimuli: A behavioral study with adult illiterates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(2) :887–894,.
Ventura, P. (2014). Let’s face it: reading acquisition, face and word processing. Frontiers in Educational Psychology. 23 July 2014 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00787
Carmo, J. C., Rumiati, R. I., Siugzdaite, R. & Brambilla, P. (2013). Preserved imitation of known gestures in high-functioning autism. ISRN Neurology, ID751516.
Fernandes, T., & Kolinsky, R. (2013). From hand to eye: The role of literacy, familiarity, graspability, and vision-for-action on enantiomorphy. Acta Psychologica, 142, 51-61. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2012.11.008
Marques, J.F., Raposo, A. & Almeida, J. (2013). Structural processing and category-specific deficits. Cortex, 49, 266-275. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2011.10.006
Nys, J., Ventura, P., Fernandes, T., Querido, L., Leybaert, J., & Content, A. (2013). Does Math Education Modify the Approximate Number System? A Comparison of Schooled and Unschooled Adults. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2, 13-22. doi: 10.1016/j.tine.2013.01.001
Raposo, A. & Marques, J.F. (2013). The contribution of fronto-parietal regions to sentence comprehension: insights from the Moses illusion. NeuroImage, 83, 431-437. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.06.052
Ventura, P., Fernandes, T., Cohen, L., Morais, J., Kolinsky, R., & Dehaene, S. (2013). Literacy acquisition reduces the automatic holistic processing of faces and houses. Neuroscience Letters, 554, 105-109. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2013.08.068
Araújo, S., Bramão, I., Faísca, L., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2012). Electrophysiological correlates of impaired reading in dyslexic pre-adolescent children. Brain and Cognition, 79, 79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2012.02.010
Bramão, I., Faísca, L., Forkstam, C., Inácio, F., Araújo, S., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2012). The interaction between surface color and color knowledge: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Brain and Cognition, 78, 28-37. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2011.10.004
Carmo, J. C., Rumiati, R. I. & Vallesi, A. (2012). Understanding and imitating unfamiliar actions: Distinct underlying mechanisms. PLoS One 7(10): e46939.
Marques, J.F., Mendes, M. & Raposo, A. (2012). Sensitivity and salience of form-function correlations of objects: evidence from feature tasks. Memory & Cognition, 40, 748-759. doi: 10.3758/s13421-012-0181-9
Raposo, A., Mendes, M. & Marques, J.F. (2012). The hierarchical organization of semantic memory: executive function in the processing of superordinate concepts. NeuroImage, 59, 1870-1878. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.08.072
Szwed, M., Ventura, P., Querido, L., Cohen, L., & Dehaene, S. (2012). Reading acquisition enhances an early visual process of contour integration. Developmental Science, 15, 139-149.
Araújo, S., Inácio, F., Francisco, A., Faísca, L., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2011). Component processes subserving rapid automatized naming in dyslexic and nondyslexic readers. Dyslexia, 17, 242-255. doi: 10.1002/dys.433
Araújo, S., Faísca, L., Bramão, I., Inácio, F., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2011). Object naming in dyslexic children: More than a phonological deficit. Journal of General Psychology, 138, 215-228. Doi: 10.1080/00221309.2011.582525
Deahene, S., Pegado, F., Braga, L. W., Ventura, P., Nunes, G., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kolinsky, R., Morais, J., & Cohen, L. (2011). Impact on the brain of learning to read. Medicine Sciences, 27, 236-238.
Kolinsky, R., Verhaeghe, A., Fernandes, T., Grimm-Cabral, L, & Morais, J. (2011). Enantiomorphy through the looking glass: Literacy effects on mirror image discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 140, 210-238. doi: 10.1037/A0022168
Marques, J.F. & Raposo, A. (2011). Structural dimensions of object pictures: organization and relation to object decision and naming. Visual Cognition, 19, 705-729. doi: 10.1080/13506285.2011.575414
Raposo, A., Vicens, L., Clithero, J.A., Dobbins, I.G. & Huettel, S.A. (2011). Contributions of frontopolar cortex to judgments about self, others, and relations. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 260-269. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsq033
Araújo, S., Pacheco, A., Faísca, L., Petersson, K. M., & Reis, A. (2010). Visual rapid naming and phonological abilities: Different subtypes in dyslexic children. International Journal of Psychology, 45 (6), 443-452. doi: 10.1080/00207594.2010.499949
Deahene, S., Pegado, F., Braga, L. W., Ventura, P., Nunes, G., Jobert, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kolinsky, R., Morais, J., & Cohen, L. (2010). How Learning to Read Changes the Cortical Networks for Vision and Language. Science, 330, 1359-1364.
Dobbins, I.G. & Raposo, A. (2010). Episodic and autobiographical memory: psychological and neural aspects. In G. Koob, R.F. Thompson and M. Le Moal (eds) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience. Elsevier
Fernandes, T., Ventura, P., & Kolinsky, R. (2010-2011). Universal and Speech-specific Prosodic Cues in Artificial Language Learning: The role of physical noise. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 9, 87-119. (special issue: Lexical Processing: Phonetics, Prosodic and Morphological Aspects). ISSN: 1645-4537P3F
Fernandes, T., Kolinsky, R., & Ventura, P. (2010) 28T. The impact of attention load on the use of statistical information and coarticulation as speech segmentation cues. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 1522-1532. doi:10.3758/APP.
Han, S., Huettel, S.A., Raposo, A., Adcock, R.A. & Dobbins, I.G. (2010). Functional significance of striatal responses during episodic decisions: recovery or goal attainment? The Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 4767-4775. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3077-09.2010
Klein, O., Ventura, P., Fernandes, T., Garcia-Marques, L., Licata, L., & Semin, G. R. (2010). Effects of Schooling and Literacy on Linguistic Abstraction: The Role of Holistic vs. Analytic Processing Styles. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 1095-1102. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.759
Carmo, J. C., & Rumiati, R. I. (2009). Imitation of transitive and Intransitive actions in healthy individuals, Brain and Cognition, 69, 460-464.
Fernandes, T., Kolinsky, R., & Ventura, P. (2009). The metamorphosis of the statistical segmentation output: Lexicalization during artificial language learning. Cognition, 112, 349-366. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2009.05.002
Pattamadilok, C., Morais, J., De Vylder, O., Ventura, P., & Kolinsky, R. (2009). The orthographic consistency effect in French spoken words recognition: an early developmental shift from sub-lexical to lexical orthographic activation. Applied Psycholinguistics, 30, 441-462.
Raposo, A., Han, S. & Dobbins, I.G. (2009). Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and self-initiated semantic elaboration during memory retrieval. Neuropsychologia Special Issue on Episodic Memory and the Brain, 47, 2261-2271. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.10.024
Raposo, A., Moss, H.E., Stamatakis, E.A. & Tyler, L.K. (2009). Modulation of motor and premotor cortices by actions, action words and action sentences. Neuropsychologia, 47, 388-396. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.09.017
Rumiati, R. I., Carmo, J. C. & Corradi-Dell’Acqua, C. (2009). Neuropsychological perspectives on the mechanisms of imitation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364, 2337-2347.
Fernandes, S., Ventura, P., Querido, L., & Morais, J. (2008). Reading and spelling acquisition in European Portuguese: A preliminary study. Reading & Writing, 21, 805-821
Morais, J., Ventura, P., Pattamadilok, C., & Kolinsky, R. (2008). The psychology of literacy: New developments. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 7, 51-68.
Ventura, P., Kolinsky, R., Pattamadilok, C., & Morais, J. (2008). The developmental turn-point of orthographic consistency effects in speech recognition. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100, 135-145.
Ventura, P., Pattamadilok, C., Fernandes, T., Klein, O., Morais, J., & Kolinsky, R. (2008). Schooling in Western Cultures promotes context-free processing. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100, 79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2008.02.001
Fernandes, T., Ventura, P., & Kolinsky, R. (2007). Statistical information and coarticulation as cues to word boundaries: A matter of quality of the signal. Perception & Psychophysics, 69, 856-864. doi: 10.3758/BF03193922
Pattamadilok, C., Morais, J., Ventura, P., & Kolinsky, R. (2007). The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition: Further evidence from French. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 700-726.
Pattamadilok, C., Kolinsky, R., Ventura, P., Radeau, M. & Morais, J. (2007). Orthographic representations in spoken word priming: No early automatic activation. Language and Speech, 50, 505-531.
Ventura, P., Morais, J., & Kolinsky, R. (2007). The development of the orthographic consistency effect in speech recognition. From sublexical to lexical involvement. Cognition, 105, 547-576.
Ventura, P., Kolinsky, R., Fernandes, S., Querido, L., & Morais, J. (2007). Lexical restructuring in the absence of literacy. Cognition, 105, 334-361.
Ventura, P., Kolinsky, R., Querido, L., Fernandes, S., & Morais, J. (2007). Is phonological encoding in naming influenced by literacy? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 36, 341-360
Leite, I., Fernandes, T., Araújo, L., Fernandes, S., Querido, L., Castro, S. L., Ventura, P., & Morais, J. (2006). Dificuldades de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. In F. Azevedo (Eds.), Língua materna e literatura infantil: Elementos nucleares para Professores do Ensino Básico, (pp 129-160). Lisboa: Lidel, Edições técnicas, Lda. ISBN-13: 978-972-757-420-9; ISBN-10: 972-757-420-3.
Raposo, A., Moss, H.E., Stamatakis, E.A. & Tyler, L.K. (2006). Repetition suppression and semantic enhancement: an investigation of the neural correlates of priming. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2284-2295. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.05.017
Fernandes, T. (2005). Agrupamentos e alternâncias nas tarefas de fluência verbal: Um estudo na população adolescente. In C. Vieira, A. Seixas, A. Matos, M. de Lima, M. Vilar, M. Pinheiro (Eds.). Ensaios sobre o Comportamento Humano – do diagnóstico à intervenção, contributos nacionais e internacionais, (pp 427 – 452). Coimbra: Edições Almedina. ISBN: 9789724025506.
Serniclaes, W., Ventura, P., Morais, J., & Kolinsky, R. (2005). Categorical perception of speech sounds in illiterate adults. Cognition, 98, B35-B44.
Ventura, P., Morais, J., Brito-Mendes, C., & Kolinsky, R. (2005). The mental representation of living and nonliving things: Differential weighting and interactivity of sensorial and non-sensorial features. Memory, 13, 124-147.
Ventura, P., Morais, J., & Kolinsky, R. (2005). Evaluating feature-category relations using semantic fluency tasks. Brain and Cognition, 58, 202-212.
Morais, J., Kolinsky, R., Colin, C., Pattamadilok, C. & Ventura, P. (2004). Progresso em neuropsicologia cognitiva: Uma discussão de modelos funcionais do reconhecimento das palavras. In Cognito: Cahiers Romains de Sciences Cognitives, Cuadernos Romances de Ciencias Cognitivas, Cadernos Românicos em Ciências Cognitivas, Quaderni Romanzi di Scienze Cognitive, 1.4, 1-33.
Ventura, P., Morais, J., Pattamadilok, C., & Kolinsky, R. (2004). The locus of the orthographic consistency effect in auditory word recognition. Language and Cognitive Processes, 19, 57-95.
Fernandes, T. (2003). A Neuropsicologia Cognitiva em revisão: ensaio de um psicólogo. Psychologica, 34, 267-280. ISSN: 1647-8606
Martins, I. P., & Fernandes, T. (2003). Avaliação cognitiva e neurológica numa população recém-escolarizada. Psychologica, 34, 187-214.
Kolinsky, R., Fery, P., Messina, D., Peretz, I., Evinck, S., Ventura, P., & Morais, J. (2002). The fur of the crocodile and the mooing sheep: A study of a patient with a category-specific impairment for biological things. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19, 301-342.
Ventura, P., Kolinsky, R., Brito-Mendes, C., & Morais, J. (2001). Mental representations of the syllable internal structure are influenced by orthography. Language and Cognitive Processes, 16, 393-418.
Morais, J., Kolinsky, R., Ventura, P., & Cluytens, M. (1997). Levels of processing in the phonological segmentation of speech. Language and Cognitive Processes, 12, 35-39.