ObScene database: semantic congruency norms for 898 pairs of object-scene pictures

ObScene database: semantic congruency norms for 898 pairs of object-scene pictures

In this paper, we present ObScene, a database that comprises real world pictures of objects and scenes. The images can be used in isolation or combined to form semantically congruent (flute-concert hall) or incongruent pairs (flute-bathroom). We provide norms for this large set of pictures so that it becomes easier to prepare studies using this type of material, in the context of language, episodic memory or visual recognition research. Pictures and norms are freely available for researchers.

Andrade, M. Â., Cipriano, M., & Raposo, A. (2023). ObScene database: Semantic congruency norms for 898 pairs of object-scene pictures. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02181-7